31 July, 2007
By Darrel Clute · Read time: 1 min.
I haven't been updating this site very often and a lot has changed.
Rachel and I moved out of the apartment that we were in originally when
we got married and have been living in a house since April. We've taken
a lot of pictures over the past several months as well, including from
our trip to Louisiana, and we'll get them posted soon as well. I am
starting to build out my portfolio on this site, it is no where near
complete so check back soon to view its updates.

About the Author
Darrel Clute
I am an IT Infrastructure Architect, with a focus on bridging business needs together with data center usage. I bring a cross functional focus on Network, Security, Virtulization, and UNIX Systems Engineering, trying to bridge the gaps between the disciplines. I am a strong proponent of automation and orchestration, with a focus on using the same toolsets across disciplines. I also advocate for Open Source software use in the enterprise as well as for by individuals.